Truly natural beauty products
Why don't you save some money and get your cosmetics from the kitchen for a change? It's not only cheaper, but also saves the nature and your body, hair and skin from unwanted chemicals. Here are some great foods that easily change into cosmetics :)Coconut oil:
Coconut oil is a wonderful moisturizer. I use it for EVERYTHING. It is my lotion, massage oil, salad dressing, cooking and baking oil, hair mask, etc etc.
It's great for your hair, add it to the ends and leave it for the night before washing your hair in the morning. Or do it how i do, Put it everywhere in your hair and leave it for one day (and walk around with oily hair) and night , and then wash it.
You can also make a conditioner by mixing half an avocado and some coconut oil.
Caffeine in coffee actually pulls water from the skin, which helps redistribute fat cells and decrease the formation of cellulite. The caffeine in a coffee scrub also acts as a vascular restrictor, shrinking blood vessels and reducing varicose veins.
Make a perfect body scrub for you by mixing olive oil, grounded coffee and sugar.
Avocado is one of my favorite foods in the world, but it is also one great moisturizer. You can use it for the hair conditioner or you can just make a moisturizing face mask by smashing half an avocado, adding it to your face until its dry and rinsing it with warm water.
It leaves you skin perfectly smooth :)
Apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider Vinegar is wonderful for your skin. It has a tonic action that promotes blood circulation. It is also antiseptic, preventing the proliferation of bacteria, viruses, or yeast that trigger infection.
For an oily skin, mix some water with apple cider vinegar and wash your face with it. You can also make a face wash by mixing it with green tea.
Yogurt includes lactic acid that helps to smooth rough, dry skin and prevent premature aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. A face mask from plain yogurt will also help to dissolve dead skin that is accumulating in the pores causing a dull and cakey appearance. For your face, only use plain yogurt and for the best results make sure it has live active cultures in it.
Yogurt mask: Add plain yogurt to a clean face, leave it for ten minutes and rinse it off with warm water.
I hope I gave you some good ideas :) Good night,