6 tips for getting in shape in no time

I wanted to share my 6 tips (or rules) that I will be following this week to feel great
1. Super anti-inflammation Anti bloating drink Every day.
This drink includes:
2 lemon
1 tbsp ginger
1 tbsp turmeric
1/2 tsp cayenne
some stevia to make the taste a little less extreme.
2. Workout every day.
These workouts will include running 30min, abdominals and yoga (yoga at least 4 times).
3. Mainly Raw foods.
I am actually trying a mainly raw food diet (90% raw) for the next month. I won't go 100% since i might want to eat some warm soups and drink teas (and coffee sometimes). I also might have steamed veggies, mushrooms or lentils every once in a while.
4. NO snacking
This is mainly the only thing that is different from my every day life and can give me a real challenge. I love snacking and eat fruits, nuts, seeds, and whatever i feel like eating many times throughout the day. This week I will be focusing on eating my meals, chewing them well and only drink liquids in between the meals.
5. Sweating it out in Sauna.
Sweating detoxifies your body and Sauna makes you sweat. I also love sauna so I could sit there everyday anyway. I will be enjoying the sauna at least 4 times 20 minutes this week.
6. Staying hydrated.
It is super important to stay hydrated. When you exercise and use sauna you need to pay extra attention on drinking enough water. I will drink 2 big bottles (3 liters) every day to make sure I am hydrated.
Let me know if you have a special event coming up where you want to feel great. I can help you get there!