How to manage stress and struggles?
I know life can't be perfect, you can't plan everything and there will be ups and downs. But one thing I'm not good at is stress management.I had my stress levels reaching the all time high a couple times during the last four months.
I know very well that it makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over, because there is nothing you can do about them. And how about things you CAN control? That makes even less sense, why would you worry about them if you have the control?
Being stress is not only make you unhappy but it also causes changes in your body and your emotions. These are the common symptoms of stress:
- A fast heartbeat.
- A headache.
- A stiff neck and/or tight shoulders.
- Back pain.
- Fast breathing.
- Sweating, and sweaty palms.
- An upset stomach, nausea, or diarrhea.
- Feel cranky and unable to deal with even small problems.
- Feel frustrated, lose your temper more often, and yell at others for no reason.
- Feel jumpy or tired all the time.
- Find it hard to focus on tasks.
- Worry too much about small things.
- Feel that you are missing out on things because you can't act quickly.
- Imagine that bad things are happening or about to happen.
1. Avoid unnecessary stress- Learn how to say “no", Avoid people who stress you out, Take control of your environment, Start writing down your to-do list
2. Alter the situation- Express your feelings instead of bottling them up, be willing to compromise, be more assertive and manage your time better.
3. Adapt to the stressor- Look at the big picture, focus on the positive, understand that you cannot have everything perfect, and learn from the situation
4. Accept the things you can't change
5. Make time for relaxing- Make sure you enjoy life!!!
Have a stress free week everybody!
Kuinka hallita stressiä?
Tiedän ettei elama voi olla taydellista, et voi suunnitella kaikkea etukateen ja sinulle tulee vastoinkaymisia. Silti, yksi suurimmista heikkouksistani on stressinhallinta.Viimeisen neljan kuukauden aikana olen ehka ollut stressaantuneempi kuin koskaan ennen ja tiedan nyt kuinka se voi vaikuttaa elamaani.
Tiedan hyvin ettei ole mitaan jarkea stressata asioista joihin ei voi vaiukuttaa, silla et voi niille mitaan. Enta sitten asiat joihin voi vaikuttaa? Viela vahemman jarkea antaa niiden aiheuttaa stressia, jos itse pystyt vaikuttaa.
Stressi ei ainoastaan tee sinusta onnetonta, vaan se myos aiheuttaa muutoksia elimistossasi ja tunne-elamassasi. Mita kaikkea stressi voi aiheuttaa?
- Sydamentykytysta
- Paansarkya
- niska- ja hartiakipuja
- Selkakipuja.
- Hengenahdistusta
- Hikoilua
- Vatsavaivoja
- Artyneisyytta ja epatoivoa
- Vihaa ja suuttumusta pienistakin asioista
- vasymysta
- Keskittymisvaikeuksia
- hidastuneisuutta
- Negatiivisia Mielikuvia ja univaikeuksia
1. Valta turhaa stressia- Learn how to say “no", Avoid people who stress you out, Take control of your environment, Start writing down your to-do list
2. Mukaudu tilanteeseen- Ilmaise tunteesi sen sijaan etta yrittaisit tukahduttaa ne, ole valmis kompromissiin ja suunnittele ajankayttosi paremmin.
3. Sopeudu stressitekijaan- Katso asioita laajemmin, keskity positiivisiin asioihin, ymmarra ettei kaikki mene aina niinkuin haluaisit, opi tilanteesta.
4. Hyvaksy asiat joihin et voi vaikuttaa
5. Varaa aikaa rentoutumiselle- Pida huoli etta nautit elamasta!!!!
Stressitonta viikkoa kaikille!
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