torstai 9. elokuuta 2012

Chocolate Smoothie Heaven and the benefits of Raw cacao

Whenever I feel like I deserve a treat or I'm just dying to have some chocolate I make this amazing chocolate smoothie. It is ridiculously good, clean, natural and it's really good for your body (and you mind&soul hehe). 


1-2 tbsp Raw Cacao powder
1 cup Almond milk
1 frozen banana
1 tbsp natural unsweetened almond butter
handful of Raw cashew nuts
a little bit of organic honey/organic agave
(I don't actually measure the ingredients so these amounts are not exact. If you like darker chocolate put more cacao and not so much honey/agave. If I haven't had my daily flaxseed I would put 2 tbsp flaxseed.)

Put all the ingredients to a blender and blend it until its smooth.

Did you know that Cacao is derived from Theobroma Cacao beans, which literally means “Food of the Gods”? Cacao contains over 300 compounds including: protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, iron, zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium. I just love the fact that it is so incredibly good for you. That's why I made a list of the benefits of raw cacao just so that we all have a good reason to allow ourselves to enjoy it every once in a while ;)

Raw Cacao benefits: 

- Rich source of antioxidant flavonoids (almost four times the amount of antioxidants in goji berries) that promote cardiovascular health and protect against toxins, improve circulation, regular heartbeat and blood pressure. They also help the body repair itself and resist free-radical toxins

- Rich source of manganese, which helps oxygenate the blood

- Rich source of magnesium, which helps to build strong bones and is a muscle relaxant associated with feelings of calmness. It also helps in balancing brain chemistry

- Rich in sulfur, which builds strong nails and hair, and promotes beautiful skin.

- Contains the chemicals phenylethylamine (PEA). PEA is an adrenal related chemical that we create naturally when we're excited. It also causes your pulse rate to quicken, resulting in a similar feeling to when we are excited or fall in love <3

- Contains lipid anandamine which is in our brain when we feel great. Anandamine is also called "chocolate amphetamine" because it works like amphetamine, increasing mood and decreasing depression. It causes changes in blood pressure and blood-sugar levels, leading to feelings or excitement.

I think its time for all of us to have a chocolate smoothie ;)

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