perjantai 10. elokuuta 2012

Eating 3000 calories a day!

Last night me and my lovely roommate were making some kale salad. I was going to pour olive oil to my dressing but the bottle was empty. I was surprised...Why?

*I also have used one third of my coconut oil.

*I eat one avocado a day

*I eat almonds, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, chia seeds, flax seed and raw nut bars daily. Not all every day, but still a lot.

*AND I have lived in this house for 3 weeks and there have been days when I haven't cooked at home.

I never count calories and I eat what my body tells me to eat. Last night I made an exemption and found out that I eat 3000 calories/day in average (sometimes more, sometimes less)
I am not gaining weight at all though. I know they say you are supposed to eat a handful of nuts a day, and that you get enough fat from eating one avocado a day.
If we take a look at my diet, it is really based on fatty acids, from oils, nuts and seeds, vegetables, berries and fruits. I don't eat animal based food at all and In the summertime I probably eat 90% raw food, including A LOT OF fruits (who cares about the fructose), vegetables and Super foods. Maybe twice or 3 times a week I eat brown rice, quinoa, pasta or rye bread.

The question is my diet bad for me?
My opinion is that we are all individuals. What works for me might not work for you. If you feel great, you have energy to work out twice a day, you need only 6 hours of sleep and you are not gaining weight, you have found the balance that we all should find. In that situation, If you start thinking about your diet too much it might only cause you stress and make the overall results negative. But I also believe that if your diet is bad for you, you should find a way to change it anyway.

This all is just my opinion though. I know there are a lot of health experts reading my blog, so I would really like to hear your opinion about my diet and all this. Should I change something in my diet or listen to my body? I would really appreciate hearing your opinions. You can send them to

Have a healthy (nutty lol) weekend everybody!


4 kommenttia:

  1. hey babe! haha, so funny, just got home from a night out and read this. that description of the person at the end of your post sounds just like me!!! crazy :D I do believe we're all individuals and have different needs - i also believe everyone probably COULD be healthier in some way, or change something. SHOULD they? not necessarily. if they feel happy, and if you feel happy with that balance, i think it's awesome! you are super healthy, feel great, and look great! i would LOVE to get more sleep. one thing I'd like to change. do you feel like you wanna change ANYthing?

    we could talk about this for hours, hahha.. let's do it again soon. xx (zz)

    1. Hey muru! I love that we have exactly the same way of thinking about all this. Probably that's why we could just keep talking about everything around health forever :D I totally agree with you. Everyone probably COULD change something in their lives to be healthier but the question is, like you said, SHOULD THEY? That's what I'm trying to figure out. I will probably try to change my diet a little for one week and see if there is a change. I will let you know ;)

  2. Why change something that ain't broken;)?

